From quietly setting the altar to warmly welcoming parishioners and visitors with a hearty hello, members of St. John’s go about various activities as lay ministers.

Staffing the Lively Café, cooking and delivering food in the Angel Meal Ministry, and lifting a voice in song in the choir are just a few of the tasks we perform as lay ministers. And unique to our church is working in our historic cemetery trimming vegetation, raking and picking up trash, and cleaning stones.
St. Agnes Altar Guild at St. John’s, the oldest women’s organization in the parish, helps set the sanctuary altar for all the Sunday services, as well as for weddings and funerals. The flower guild creates beautiful arrangements for the altar.
We care for our fellow parishioners who are facing difficult and challenging times in several ways. Eucharistic Visitors take communion to those unable to attend services. Stephen Ministers are a listening ear to those who need assistance in meeting life’s challenges. New to our church this year are teams of Pastoral Care Shepherds that give every parishioner a friendly person to provide support.