At St. John’s, we celebrate the life and love of Jesus Christ through our services, our music, and our many ministries. We are a family that supports and nurtures one another. We enjoy spending time together and joining in celebration. We welcome newcomers. We seek deep connections with our fellow parishioners and build lifelong friendships.
We are a congregation of approximately 1,500 members—families, couples, single, and widowed—with an average Sunday attendance of approximately 450. We are an active congregation offering varied programs and participating in a multitude of outreach efforts.
While St. John’s has had times of difficulty in the past, we have always come back stronger. We strive in all we do to live into our core values: worship, compassion, openness, community, and stewardship. We are eager to meet the leader who will take us to new heights and greater strengths, and help us follow our mission “to love and serve Christ and our neighbors in Tallahassee and the world.”
Our Core Values

Worship is at the center of all that we do. We value powerful liturgy rooted in Episcopal tradition, preaching that brings God’s Word alive with clarity and conviction, and an exceptional music program.

We are committed to compassionately serving our local and global neighbors, especially through our pastoral care and outreach ministries. Whether it’s caring for those in need in Tallahassee or embarking on international mission trips, we are passionate about selfless service in Christ’s name.

We are firm at the core and open at the edges, which means that we adhere closely to the core teachings of Holy Scripture and Episcopal tradition, while meeting all persons wherever they are on their spiritual journey. We are an inclusive church that seeks to embrace all of God’s people.

Daily worship, a bustling café, and meeting spaces open to the public—we are a downtown church that joyfully extends hospitality to our members and the community.

Since 1829, we have valued faithful stewardship of the time, talent, and treasure with which God has blessed us. We seek to be good stewards not only for our own benefit but also for the well-being of generations to come, so that future members of St. John’s will share in our faith and love God and their neighbors.