The search for a new rector begins and ends with prayer in Jesus’ name. If God is calling you to serve as rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church, we lift you up in prayer and give our heartfelt thanks for your consideration. We seek a rector who is…
Christ is who defines us. At St. John’s we say, “Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, St. John’s welcomes you.” We want you to take us on a journey of faith that leads us closer to Christ.
A Dynamic Preacher & Teacher.
We want you to take scripture, make it relevant to our lives, and inspire us as we navigate a complex and fractured world. We also love to learn. We want you to promote Christian education, lifelong learning, and spiritual formation.
An Agent for Healing.
We want you to help us develop ministries aimed at healing people who are broken by life’s circumstances.
Forward Thinking & Flexible.
We love our church family and we want to maintain the life and soul of this wonderful parish and its traditional worship. At the same time, we want to attract young people, single and married, families with children and youth, empty nesters, and seniors. To achieve this, we are willing to be innovative and flexible. We want you to help us identify creative ways to reach people and develop new methods to share the Good News so that the St. John’s family can grow.
A Pastoral Shepherd.
Being cared for is a basic need, especially in times of grief or illness. We want you to know our parish well enough to discern when a member needs a visit from you personally. We also want your leadership in fostering a spirit of pastoral care so that the congregation cares for one another in good times and bad.
Outreach Oriented.
Jesus calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Loving our neighbors means leaving the walls of our church and going out into the world to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We want you to walk with us as we continue to provide direct support for those living on the margins and aid agencies that do the same. We want to expand the work of helping “the least of these.”
Engaged in Our Community.
As a downtown church, St. John’s has a strong connection to Tallahassee. We are involved in various outreach ministries, we offer meeting space for a variety of groups, and we participate in the interfaith community of Tallahassee. We want you to be a part of our community and treasure St. John’s place in it.
We value our congregation’s diversity and we respect each other’s views. We welcome differences in backgrounds and differences of opinion. We have been through division and we have learned from the experience. We think our inclusivity and openness to difference is an important element of our ability to focus on Christ and the ministries we are called to perform. We want you to value and continue our inclusive and collaborative culture.
Financially Literate and a Team Leader.
Reading a financial statement, planning a budget, and promoting a stewardship campaign are all critical abilities for you to have. And Jesus managed to make twelve very different disciples into the greatest team in history. Our St. John’s team may not consist of a Peter or John, but we have some incredible people, both staff and laity, who will look to you for leadership. You will need managerial and mentoring skills to ensure the business of the church functions smoothly.
All About LOVE.
God is love, so we couldn’t fail to mention that we are seeking a rector who loves deeply and widely. We want you to be friendly, warm, caring, and have a sense of humor. But, the greatest attribute we seek in you is LOVE because, “If it’s not about love, it’s not about God.”

Details about this position and instructions for submitting an application can be found on the St. John’s Episcopal Church website. Please send all applications to Martin Proctor, Search Committee Chair, at Applications should include a cover letter, current resume, and copy of the applicant’s OTM Portfolio. Additional information may be required, including a writing sample.